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Git Cheat Sheet

🇯🇵 日本語版:

The following is an overview of useful Git command line (CLI) commands.

GitHub Git Cheat Sheet - GitHub CheatSheet

Create a repo

Command Explanation
git init Converts the current folder into a new Git repo
git clone [url] Clone (download) a repo that already exists on GitHub
git remote add origin Link the local repo to an empty GitHub repo



Command Explanation
git status Lists all new or changed files that can be committed
git branch [branch-name] Create a new branch
git branch -d [branch] Deletes the specified branch
git checkout [branch] Move to the specified branch
git merge [branch] Merges the specified branch into the current branch

Sync Changes Between Local & Remote

Command Explanation
git fetch [remote] [branch] Download the latest information from GitHub (remote repo) to your local repo
git push [remote] [branch] Upload (push) local repo commits to GitHub (remote repo)
git pull [remote] Updates current branch with all new commits from the remote branch (GitHub)

git pull is a combination of git fetch and git merge commands


Command Explanation
git add [file] Add a file from the working directory to the staging area
git status Lists all new or changed files that can be committed
git add -A Add all new and modified files to the staging area
git commit -m "[message]" Records file snapshots permanently in version history with a message

Make Changes

Command Explanation
git log Display the commit history in a list
git log --follow [file] Shows a list of version history for the specified file, including renaming
git diff [branch A] [branch B] Shows the difference between the two branches
git show [commit] Shows meta info and changes of the specified commit

Redo Commits

Command Explanation
git reset [commit] Forces it back to the specified commit state
git revert [commit] Command to cancel the specified commit
git revert HEAD Create a new commit to undo the previous commit

Done ⚙️