Git Cheat Sheet
🇯🇵 日本語版:
The following is an overview of useful Git command line (CLI) commands.
GitHub Git Cheat Sheet - GitHub CheatSheet
Create a repo
Command | Explanation |
git init |
Converts the current folder into a new Git repo |
git clone [url] |
Clone (download) a repo that already exists on GitHub |
git remote add origin |
Link the local repo to an empty GitHub repo |
- Template ={UserName}/{repo}.git
- Example =
Command | Explanation |
git status |
Lists all new or changed files that can be committed |
git branch [branch-name] |
Create a new branch |
git branch -d [branch] |
Deletes the specified branch |
git checkout [branch] |
Move to the specified branch |
git merge [branch] |
Merges the specified branch into the current branch |
Sync Changes Between Local & Remote
Command | Explanation |
git fetch [remote] [branch] |
Download the latest information from GitHub (remote repo) to your local repo |
git push [remote] [branch] |
Upload (push) local repo commits to GitHub (remote repo) |
git pull [remote] |
Updates current branch with all new commits from the remote branch (GitHub) |
⚡ git pull
is a combination of git fetch
and git merge
Command | Explanation |
git add [file] |
Add a file from the working directory to the staging area |
git status |
Lists all new or changed files that can be committed |
git add -A |
Add all new and modified files to the staging area |
git commit -m "[message]" |
Records file snapshots permanently in version history with a message |
Make Changes
Command | Explanation |
git log |
Display the commit history in a list |
git log --follow [file] |
Shows a list of version history for the specified file, including renaming |
git diff [branch A] [branch B] |
Shows the difference between the two branches |
git show [commit] |
Shows meta info and changes of the specified commit |
Redo Commits
Command | Explanation |
git reset [commit] |
Forces it back to the specified commit state |
git revert [commit] |
Command to cancel the specified commit |
git revert HEAD |
Create a new commit to undo the previous commit |
Done ⚙️