What is Git & GitHub? – Basics & First Repo
🇯🇵 日本語版: 01_Start.md
This section introduces you to Git and GitHub and goes over setting up your first repository.
- Git Basics
- GitHub Basics
- Hands-On Section to Create a Repository
- Overview of Common Git Commands
What is Git?
- Git is a software development tool that provides version control!
- Started in 2005 as a tool to manage Linux kernel development
- Free and open source distributed version control system
What is Version Control?
History ⌛
- Record changes made over time
Teamwork 💪
- Collaborate with developers who use other systems.
Backup 💾
- Be able to restore to a specific version
A Save Point in a Game 📌
- “Version control” is similar to how games save your progress.
- You save your progress once your clear the level.
- After that, even if you make a mistake in the next level, you do not restart the whole game.
Examples of Version Control
Google Docs | Kintone |
What is GitHub?
- GitHub is a co-development platform
- A place where you can see and show code.
- Similar to Google Docs, GitHub allows multiple people to view & edit code at the same time.
- When you hear
Remote repositories
, think GitHub.
Founded in 2008, it is now a subsidiary of Microsoft.
GitHub Example - Apple
Apple has released a set of tools and resources for app developers such as password managers to help them generate strong passwords for free.
[Apple publishes free resources to improve password security | ZDNet](https://www.zdnet.com/article/apple-publishes-free-resources-to-improve-password-security/) |
Creating a Repository - Hands-on
Local Settings
- Create a folder
- Set the folder to be managed by Git
GitHub Settings
- Create a “folder” like thing on GitHub
- It is called a
Connect the Local Folder with GitHub
- Configure git so the local folder and GitHub are connected
- Then when you create a file within the folder, it will appear on GitHub.
Create a Local Repository
⚠️ Verify that you went through the Prep Guide: Prep - 00_Prep_EN.md
⚡ Where to run the commands?
- Mac: Use the Terminal
- Windows: Use the Command Prompt
Go to a easily accessible folder (e.g., Documents) and create a folder named
cd Documents mkdir learning_git cd learning_git
command to verify the current locationpwd /Users/YourUserName/Documents/learning_git
Initialize git with
git init
commandgit init Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/YourUserName/Documents/learning_git/.git/
⚡ Repo is short for Repository
Add a README.md File
Create a README.md file
touch README.md
Describe the repo in the README.md file
vi README.md # or code README.md
# Learning JS Repo A repository for my JavaScript lectures and assignments.
⚡ README.md describes the software’s or the repo’s goals and purpose.
Confirm the Git Status
git status
- Shows the working directory and staging area
Untracked files
: See which files are not being tracked by GitChanges to be committed
: See which files have changed
We can see that README.md file needs to be tracked by Git.
git status
On branch main
No commits yet
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Translations Missing!!! —
1. How is Git & GitHub related? * GitHub is the __hub__ or the collection of everyone's Git * GitHub is a popular __remote repo__ option 1. Which do you start with, `git add` or `git commit`? * First, use `git add` to gather the individual changes * Then, use `git commit` to bundle the changes 1. What is the `git push` command? * Use `git push` to upload the __commit__ to the remote repo * Use `git fetch` to retrieve the latest version of the repoNext Section
Create & Merge Branches - 02_Branches_EN.md
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